email: thisisjoyandclaire@gmail.com
Instagram: joyandclaire_
This is Joy & Claire Episode 108: Living in a No Makeup World
Episode Date: January 6, 2022
Transcription Completed: January 22, 2022
Audio Length: 41:23 minutes
Joy: Hey guys, this is Joy.
Claire: And this is Claire.
Joy: This is Joy and Claire. Happy 2022.
Claire: Here we are.
Joy: Yay.
Claire: It’s been a week almost already.
Joy: Yeah, how are we going so far?
Claire: 2022 is not the fresh start –
Joy: That we all hoped for.
Claire: That we all hoped for. Yeah, our au pair has Covid, which she’s feeling find and she’s isolating in the basement. She was not around us, but she came home and isolated and tested. It just feels like I am the second to last person in a dodgeball game right now. And my whole dodgeball strategy as a non-competitive person is to just lurk in the background and try to make people think I’m not a threat. Because I’m not a threat. Like, I don’t care. So I typically last quite long in dodgeball games because I just lurk. And that feels like it’s also been my Covid strategy. Just lurk as long as possible, but inevitably… here we are.
Joy: I know. I think I take for granted – knock on wood, knock on wood, touch wood, knock on wood. I think I take for granted that I have not yet gotten Covid. I’ve tested a couple times when I thought I did. Multiple times, as you do. And it’s all been negative, but I think I take it for granted that, knock on wood, I haven’t gotten it yet. In any event, it’s still a tough year. I think last year was a tough year. This year is starting out tough because we’re just getting out of the woods with all of this and it’s still the wintertime, blah, blah, blah.
Claire: Everybody’s kind of coming back into the office this week. Not into the office but working again after break. I don’t feel like I’ve talked to anyone who’s like, “Yeah, my holiday went off without a hitch.” If you’re feeling that, if you’re like, “Ugh, I was supposed to have a break and it wasn’t a break because we were stuck at the house with the kids and we didn’t get to do the things we wanted.” Or “I was supposed to see my family and I didn’t end up getting to see them. Again.” You’re not alone. I don’t know if that helps anymore.
Joy: Yeah. I’m seeing the staffing shortage at the airports, at least in the United States. I don’t know about elsewhere. But how flights are getting delayed. There’s a lot of bad news that has happened. I truly don’t believe that that’s setting the stage for the year. But of course, we had a tough week in Colorado with the recent shootings that we had in Denver as well as Colorado fires. I just feel like there’s so much going on that we have fatigue of you just can’t take any more information in. So at what point do you sort of be like, we’ve just got to live our lives and go out and do the things that we want to do? Within reason, but –
Claire: But it feels like “within reason” doesn’t exist anymore.
Joy: Right. Here’s the other thing. I recently saw that joke/GIF/meme/tweet, whatever, “The CDC recommends do whatever you want. We don’t care.” Whatever. Basically kind of joking about the CDC constantly changing – 10 days to quarantine, 5 days to quarantine, whatever. Mask, no mask. There was a part of me that was like, that’s funny. But at the same time, should we be joking about that yet? Because people are still dying. It’s hard for me to wrap my head around that. I’m even talking to clients now who have lost loved ones recently to Covid. Just because maybe it hasn’t touched us devastatingly bad, that doesn’t mean that people aren’t still in that struggle. But it’s also hard to live in that spot for a long time. How do you balance the levity of live and trying to push forward and…? I don’t know.
Claire: I know. And I think that this is the feeling that a lot of people started feeling right away when they were like, wait a minute, I’m not going to put my life on hold. And we all immediately were like, yes, you are. Just stick with it. We have to do this. I consider us to be very much on the side of, no, I will follow directions. I don’t care what they are. I am here for public health until the bitter end. But I feel like, okay, how are we going to get out of this loop? It’s giving me a lot more empathy for people who have felt this way the whole time.
Joy: Sure.
Claire: Because I am getting to that point where I’m like, I don’t care.
Joy: The other piece is that we have so much more information now. That’s obvious. We have so much more information about how to stay safer. I think we have somewhat of a roadmap of wearing a mask and staying out of large groups and social distancing. I think that has been established. So I feel like that is important. At the beginning, we really didn’t have that. We didn’t have a lot of information. Things are obviously still changing. We are living it in really time. I think now we do kind of get to that point of, now that we have more information, we can weigh our decisions a little bit differently. To where at least we know that… I wanted to say if we go out in a group, is that a huge, huge risk? Or if you wear a mask, do you have less of a risk? You kind of have more information to base your decisions off of. You’re still taking a risk. You just never know.
Claire: And I don’t know, I feel like – okay, well, I felt like I had a good gauge on what those risks were. And Omicron came, and it’s proving to be so much more contagious. To me, that just feels like, I felt that way like a month okay. I can do this. I have a handle on what’s risky, what’s not risky. I have a handle on risk management. And I feel like that just got completely blown up in the last two weeks. I think it’s hard because – like Brandon was supposed to fly to Wisconsin this week to be with his mom who is having cancer surgery. We have a lot of people in our immediate families who are very, very high risk. I never thought I would be the person to start thinking, “screw it.” I’m just having a hard time wanting to get tested out of an abundance of caution. I’m having a hard time wanting to go above and beyond. I’m having a hard time wanting to be like, “Okay, this is fine. Let’s stay home longer.” I don’t know. I don’t really know where I’m going with this. You guys are hearing my thoughts in real time.
Joy: And mine too. We’re all just very tired. At this point, it’s kind of like, well, we’re all kind of tired of being the ones holding up the rules. In my opinion. The whole mentality of it’s a group project and not everyone is doing their part. I do believe that. All the people who have chosen to get vaccinated – it’s not the vaccinated and the unvaccinated. That’s important. I think there’s a lot of feelings around it where we just can’t stay angry for a long time. I got to a point where I just couldn’t keep getting mad at other people’s decisions or lack of action. How do we cope with living our “normal lives”? There’s something I’ve been thinking a lot about. When you were just talking about making these decisions of going places or taking trips or what have you. Think back to how different our lives were before the pandemic. I touched on this a little bit last week of decision fatigue and how much more weight we have to put on everything that we do. And we’re also tired. But I even think about just my daily routines. I had a different job obviously, and I was leaving my house, but I would be going to the gym every day and I would be going out to place and going to meet people at restaurants. We live such a different life now because of that, which has kind of developed a new routine and new habits. I don’t go to the gym anymore. I do all my workouts remote around the house or on the Peloton. I don’t know what else to say about it other than it’s really interesting because I don’t think about how much it really has changed my life on a daily basis. We did get to go to The Lion King this last weekend, which I was super grateful for. But I was also like, hey, if it needs to be cancelled, obviously… whatever. That’s just going to happen, and we have to respect that. Luckily, we were able to go, and I felt like they did a really good job. You had to show your vaccination card. You had to be masked the whole time. It was really lovely to be in a place that at least my mom and I have had so much joy. Something that we really love to do together. That does feel good. I can’t help but think doing something so routine and so familiar to you lifts your spirits. That can’t be a horrible thing either. You think about stress and impacting the body. I’m not developing a conspiracy theory saying that reducing your stress is going to prevent Covid, but I’m just saying energetically I can’t help but thinking there’s got to be some part of a give and take. Otherwise, I’m going to want to cry all day.
Claire: Well speaking of The Lion King – this is a complete hard right turn conversation.
Joy: Let’s turn it.
Claire: I want to talk about the sparkly red boots you saw. So Joy and her mom were up on the mezzanine, right?
Joy: Mmhmm.
Claire: And you looked down over the balcony, and here’s this person sitting there in these –
Joy: Like Dorothy sparkly red boots.
Claire: Did you find them? Did you buy them?
Joy: No, I didn’t buy them. That’s something where I’m like, where would I wear them?
Claire: To the theatre.
Joy: I know. But when am I going to go to the theatre again? Maybe at the end of this year for Mean Girls? Maybe I’ll find them. Maybe I’ll find a pair. You know, of course we’re all excited to get dressed up and go to the theatre.
Claire: Someone wrote in though – because you posted them on our Instagram stories. Someone wrote in and they were like, “Oh my gosh, I get targeted ads for these all the time.” This person is winning at targeted ads.
Joy: Winning.
Claire: Targeted ads for red, sequined handle books.
Joy: I want to live your life.
Claire: What is your browsing history? Because I like it.
Joy: Can you tell us what it is so we can do it and get sparkly red glitter boots? Oh my gosh.
Claire: I was impressed.
Joy: It was great. And I was trying to be stealth. Even though sitting in the mezzanine, no one is really looking at you. But we were sitting next to people, and I didn’t want to be obviously taking a photo, like zooming into this girl’s boots. But I was just like, “Oh my God.” I couldn’t stop staring at them. And it was such a good show, aside from having to wear masks and everything. It was such a good show. I’ve never seen The Lion King before. If you have the opportunity to see it. It was probably one of the coolest things ever seen. Hands down, one of the top five shows I’ve ever seen. And there were so many kids there. It was so cute. There were so many kids carrying around little Simba stuffies. It was just so pure. Family, fun-filled, good energy. I’m pretty amazed at the costume designers, the people that put the animals together and how they designed these animal characters on the stage. It was so beautiful. Highly recommend. Five stars.
Claire: Ten out of ten.
Joy: Ten out of ten. Made me want to go see Mean Girls too.
Claire: Oh yeah. We were supposed to see Mean Girls, what was it? April 2020? We still have tickets to Iliza Shlesinger from March 15, 2020.
Joy: Ugh.
Claire: It’s potentially going to be in February. We still have them.
Joy: Yeah, and she’s about to have a baby.
Claire: Yeah. I’m like, really, you’re going to have this on February 20th? Okay. But, you know, okay.
Joy: Yeah.
Claire: Okay. This is a leap from what you just said.
Joy: Okay.
Claire: It made me think about it when you’re like, “I don’t go to the gym anymore.” Guess who also doesn’t go to the gym anymore.
Joy: You.
Claire: Dave Castro.
Joy: Oh. [dramatically] Duh duh duh. The CrossFit land.
Claire: Let’s take a quick moment to put our CrossFit hats back on and acknowledge that the end of an era has finally come. Dave Castro has been removed from CrossFit HQ. He is no longer the director of the CrossFit Games or whatever his title was.
Joy: CrossFit fires Dave Castro.
Claire: Fires. I mean, as you guys know, Joy and I have not really been – at one time we were closer to what was happening at CrossFit HQ. We have not, even though CrossFit is now headquartered out of Boulder, we have not really been –
Joy: We’re really out of the CrossFit loop.
Claire: We’re out of the CrossFit loop, which is fine. But Dave has always been this unicorn figure of, “Oh, it’s Dave Castro.” We’ve always joked about him.
Joy: He’s such a character.
Claire: There was a time in our lives when Joy would get drunk and send him DMs on Instagram.
Joy: Yeah, I used to tag him. Oh, I miss those days. I’d drink too much and then tag Dave Castro in the most random stories. But that was really fun Girls Gone WOD days when we were trying to get in, but we weren’t. We were trying to play hard to get. But of course, we didn’t really care, but we kind of cared. It was very complicated. It was #complicated.
Claire: Like, you went to the Bruce Springsteen concert and tagged him in every story you post that night.
Joy: Pearl Jam, oh yeah. Yeah. Anyway.
Claire: Ah, memories.
Joy: I’m just thinking about even when we got our first invite to CrossFit HQ and how excited we were. Yeah, it’s just so funny how things change.
Claire: I know. So Dave Castro has been fired from CrossFit. I’m wondering – I almost kind of wonder what took him so long. Not that I have anything against Dave whatsoever. I have never met him. We met him once. He was perfectly nice to us. I don’t know anything about him behind the scenes. I think everybody has their own opinions about him. And I think he was kind of the last real stronghold of the old guard.
Joy: The old regime, yeah.
Claire: So I’m kind of surprised that he lasted as long as he did. I’m saying that from a completely uneducated standpoint. That’s just my absolute outsider take. But I will be interested to see what happens in the CrossFit Games. If it changes at all, if you can’t really tell. I will miss the cryptic Instagram hints about the open workouts.
Joy: Well let me just say on his – have you seen it on Dave’s Instagram?
Claire: Oh, the Twitter where he’s like, “I wonder if they’re still going to use my open workouts?”
Joy: Well, I just went on his Instagram.
Claire: @thedavecastro
Joy: @thedavecastro posted he Morning Chalk Up’s – hi, Justin – headline that said, “Breaking. I have made the difficult decision to change the leadership of the sport team to best support CrossFit’s go forward plans, and Dave Castro will be leaving the business.” That was from Eric Roza. And Dave in his caption says, “I have talked to Roza once” – I like how he just calls him “Roza” – “in the last three or so months during his time away. He called me tonight to fire me. He told me they had messaging prepared that this was mutual. I asked him not to use that because that couldn’t be further from the truth.” Yikes.
Claire: Eric is the new – not that new. Now he’s been there for a year and a half – head of CrossFit. Was undergoing treatment for depression.
Joy: Wait, who was?
Claire: Eric Roza. So he’s been on leave being treated for –
Joy: Really?
Claire: Yeah, he posted about it a couple months ago. He posted a while ago. Now I can’t find it. Maybe he took it down. But that he was being treated for depression. So that’s what Dave means by him being gone.
Joy: Interesting. Well good for him. Obviously mental health is important. We’re never going to know the full story, right? Obviously. But there was some – I’m just fueling the fire here. But I saw some comments around, like, Dave had met up with Greg Glassman in the past few months, and so they were speculating that Eric was mad about that. Are we really going to make up drama? Let’s not be the real housewives here. Let’s just understand that we know absolutely nothing, unless you are sitting in the rooms where all the decisions – [singing Hamilton] “the room where it happened.”
Claire: Yeah. And again, I have absolutely nothing to say about Dave Castro as a person. I don’t have anything to say about whether he’s done a good or bad job in that role.
Joy: I have many things to say. And they’re good. I have such good memories. Let me just go on a rampage of appreciation really quick. I have such fond memories of the OG days. Let’s just go ahead and have a tribute.
Claire: I think I should clarify. I don’t have anything bad to say. I have nothing to say that would support him being fired.
Joy: Same. No. Right, yeah, same. But I just want to – Dave, if you’re listening after all these years, I have such fond memories of the Open. On the OG days when this was bare bones, every Open announcement was probably just filmed with someone’s iPhone in a basement somewhere. And he’s doing the Open announcements and he’s posting the weird things on his Instagram. It was a thing, and it was special, and it was funny. I’ll never forget when he kind of got a little kitschy and he started showing up to the Open announcements with – when was it? Was it in Italy when he had full-on Versace on and his hair was in corn rows, just this fancy pants outfit? And then he did a muscle up in that outfit. Just all of the things that were like, “That’s so Dave,” even though we don’t know Dave.
Claire: I love how this has turned into a remembrance of Dave Castro.
Joy: It kind of is, and I know the CrossFitters out there will appreciate it. For as much as we also kind of joked about CrossFit having its issues – probably still does, but it’s just not our concern anymore. Also, it just makes me nostalgic because we started this podcast around CrossFit. He was kind of the enigma of how do we get to talk to Dave, or what is Dave thinking? What is he going to program? The Games are the biggest deal. Doing the Open was a huge deal, and we all kind of felt close to that. I don’t know. I just wish him the best, obviously. He did a lot for the sport. He did a lot for the sport.
Claire: Totally.
Joy: I’m sure there’s bad things. I just don’t know about them. If something comes out, please understand we are recording this on January 5. Let me time stamp it, just in case something does come out.
Claire: But I also think – it will be interesting to see how it changes. And I was thinking about when I saw this, the first thing I thought was, “Oh, the Open.” I haven’t thought about the Open in forever. I guess I did the Open last year, but I didn’t really think anything of it. It’s just not in our lives. It’s not what it was.
Joy: Yeah, it’s not in our lives.
Claire: We used to watch the announcement and then go over to Joy’s house and record a podcast about the Open workout that night.
Joy: That night, yeah. Totally remember that. I would live feed it on Instagram – I don’t even know if that was possible, but I would video tape… video tape? Oh my God. I would record it and do a live Open workout and comment on the workout. It’s so funny. And then I would really get, really get into it.
Claire: Yeah, you would.
Joy: I would get really nervous about it. Hey, we all have times in our lives where we look back and go, I’ve changed. I don’t do that anymore. I don’t want to do that anymore.
Claire: Yeah.
Joy: And that’s okay. Living testimony.
Claire: It will be interesting to see what happens next. We maybe will have Justin on one day. Justin is going ice climbing with Brandon.
Joy: Justin LoFranco.
Claire: He and Brandon – we’re matchmaking between Justin and Brandon.
Joy: We are BFF’s matchmaking. So Justin LoFranco is the creator of the Morning Chalk Up. If you are not familiar, it’s one of the main news sources.
Claire: It’s like the The Stand for CrossFit.
Joy: Yeah. Main news source for CrossFit news. He’s a great friend of ours. He was recently in Denver, which is funny. Claire and I were like, “How have we never thought of this before?” He and Brandon are two peas in a pod. We need to set them up on a friend date. So it sounds like they are going ice climbing.
Claire: They are. For three days. They’re going to stay together in Ouray.
Joy: That’s so great. Justin. Go Justin.
Claire: Alright, well let’s take a quick break to talk about our fantastic sponsor, Ned. We love Ned. I literally use Ned every single night. I look forward to it every single day. It makes such a difference in my sleep. I was talking about this the other day, Joy. You know how you always talk about hotel sleep?
Joy: Yeah.
Claire: I sleep like crap at hotels.
Joy: [laughing] I’m sorry, that was just really funny.
Claire: Mine is more like the night home in your own bed after being stuck in a hotel sleep.
Joy: Okay.
Claire: Every time you say that, I nod along.
Joy: But actually I hate it. Oh my gosh, that’s hilarious.
Claire: I’m not ever warm enough. The pillows are too soft.
Joy: That’s great, that’s great. Okay, okay.
Claire: I have been using the straight hemp 750 mg. I do really like the sleep blend. I find the hemp for me is just as effective and it’s a little bit less expensive. So that’s the one that I have been gravitating towards. We always get the question, “Am I supposed to taste this pot taste?” It does kind of taste a little bit like pot.
Joy: A little bit, I’m not going to lie. I do have to do a shooter of juice after I take it.
Claire: I do have to chase it a little bit.
Joy: Yeah, I’ve got to have a chaser.
Claire: I’ve actually kind of come to appreciate it. I kind of look forward to it. So my new nighttime routine, are you ready?
Joy: I saw your little stand.
Claire: Oh my gosh, I got this cute little stand at Target, $1. I brush my teeth. I do my Ned under my tongue. And then while it’s sitting under my tongue, because you’re supposed to leave it, I get my Vitamin D and my magnesium and I walk to the kitchen. I swallow the CBD. I take my other vitamins. And then I sit down and I have a cup of sleepytime. The triple whammy of CBD, magnesium, and sleepytime. I have been sleeping unbelievably well.
Joy: Everyone should do what you’re doing. You’re prescribing this officially. Just kidding. I’m kidding, I’m kidding. I’m thinking of Laure Ligos when she’s like, “Hey, hold on.”
Claire: I’m not prescribing supplements. All that to say, guys, we love Ned. We love the products. We love the founders. We love the company. It’s local to Colorado. All their hemp is grown in Colorado. They do amazing third-party testing on all of their batches. If you are interested in CBD, or if you’ve been trying CBD and are like, “This doesn’t really work,” try out Ned because their stuff is really high quality. We love it.
Joy: And if you want to try one of the new products, the new destress blend from Ned, a brand that we love and trust, we have a special offer for our audience. Every order over $40 qualifies for 15% off and a free destress blend sample. Go to helloned.com/JOY or enter JOY at checkout to take advantage of this offer. That’s helloned.com/JOY to get 15% off plus a free destress blend sample on any order over $40. Thank you, Ned, for sponsoring our program and offering our listeners a natural remedy for some of life’s most common health issues.
Claire: And thank you, guys, for supporting the brands that support our podcast. And also supporting our community. They’re local. I love them. So I posted something on Instagram yesterday that has resonated with people a lot more than I thought it would.
Joy: A lot.
Claire: Which was maybe instead of focusing on cleaner beauty or non-toxic products and trying to switch all your makeup to non-toxic, you should just stop wearing makeup.
Joy: What made you think of this, by the way?
Claire: I have a lot of friends – and this is not to hate on Beauty Counter. This is just the example on my mind. I have nothing against Beauty Counter. You guys know how I feel. Good for you, not for us. That’s fine. And I see a lot of stuff – I see it in Beautify Counter, but I also see it in a lot of other brands, that are really pushing clean out your makeup bag. Replace it with these non-toxic or safer or cleaner products. All the while, here I am sitting here thinking, why are we so obsessed with this? Why are we so worried? If you are someone who is so worried about the toxins in your makeup, why –
Joy: Which first of all, I have to interrupt you. I think it was a chemist that commented on that post that was like, “As a chemist, it frustrates me because people don’t even understand what a toxin is.” I’m like, great point.
Claire: Yes. Also, that’s a whole other conversation, which is what is a toxin? People are like, “Your skin is your largest organ.” It’s a barrier organ though.
Joy: I want someone to come on and talk about that where we can just put that baby to bed because it drives me crazy.
Claire: I still stand by my statement that until I can rub a sandwich on my face and get the nutrients from it, I will not be worried –
Joy: [laughing] I want to rub donuts all over.
Claire: Right. Until I can bathe in soup, which is my dream. Anyway, back to the issue at hand. My question really was, if you are someone who is really worried about that – and not everyone is. I don’t think you need to be all that worried. But if you are someone who is like, “I can’t believe all these toxins I’m putting on my skin. I need to switch to safer products.” My question is, then why are you even wearing makeup? Maybe just don’t. I don’t wear makeup. I never have. Particularly, I’ve never worn a full face of makeup. I have never been the person to wake up and put on concealer, foundation. Period. At all. I’ve never been someone who is into blush, bronzer. I will occasionally wear a little bit of mascara. We talked a couple weeks ago about how we were having a struggle finding mascaras. I will occasionally wear mascara. And once in a blue moon, I will wear lipstick. So I have just never been in the habit being someone who wears the full face of makeup. So maybe it’s kind of easy for me to imagine a makeupless world because I’ve been living in it my whole life. But I was thinking about makeup and people saying, “Well, it makes me feel good.” Well, we used to say the same thing about weight loss. We used to justify this endless need for weightless by people saying, “Well, but it makes me feel good.” Maybe instead of just taking that at face value, explore why. Explore why you feel like that particular look is better than your no makeup look. I was surprised by how many people were like, “Yeah, I never wear makeup.” I was like, oh okay, apparently this train has left the station already. So shoutout to everyone out there who has not been wearing makeup this whole time.
Joy: I think it’s really funny because it told me that so many people are sick of just seeing a lot of, well filters first of all. I love how you just made it a filter at first. And you were like, just don’t wear makeup. We’re so beauty obsessed. And as someone who wears makeup, I think I will watch people do a huge full face of makeup and be like, “Should I be doing that?” I will never be the person to wear foundation, concealer. I do blush, mascara, and sometimes lipstick. That’s it. And bronzer on some days when I just feel like it.
Claire: And glitter.
Joy: Yeah, but that’s with my eye thing. I’m still having itchy eyeballs.
Claire: Aw.
Joy: It’s really sad.
Claire: Joy looks so disappointed when she said that. We’ve got to get you a glitter roll on for your chest that’s like blue raspberry scented.
Joy: Oh my God. On another note, the Peloton instructor Jess King. I just want to be her. She did a New Year’s Eve ride. I don’t know who made the body suit. Whoever their costume designers are, my goodness. It was a full on – she just looked like a crystal ball – a disco ball. Crystal ball [laughing] – “I see into the future.” But her eyelids were caked with glitter. I just remember thinking, that will sweat into my eyeball and cut my eyeball for sure. Anyway. For someone who talks about products all the time, I do love products but I can’t stand the feeling of foundation… anything liquidy on my face. So my products that I do wear, pretty minimal. But I also enjoy it. This might sound incredibly stupid, but it’s true. I like the art of it. I like to play with colors. It’s a creative outlet for me, and it always has been. Even when I started doing makeup in junior high. I would always go to the MAC store. I remember going with my mom and my aunt. So it’s kind of this nostalgic, this was our way to bond, and I played with colors. I love doing other people’s makeup because I would just experiment. But I’m also someone who just doesn’t like to spend a lot of time putting on makeup. So I am all for people just doing what makes them happy. Obviously. But I do think it’s really funny where it’s just like, “Clean beauty!”
Claire: And like I was saying, the reason that I almost hesitated to post it was because I don’t want people to feel like we’re coming for their –
Joy: We’re coming for their makeup, yeah.
Claire: We’re coming for their makeup or if you’re someone who has made some money selling cleaner makeup – we’re not coming for you. I find it curious that it seems like –
Joy: It’s a buzz word.
Claire: The most highly respected solution to the toxic problem is to replace it with non-toxic instead of just stop using it altogether.
Joy: Right, that’s true, yeah. That’s true. And I’m sure there would be people out there – maybe naturopaths. I’m thinking of my naturopathic doctor – who might have words to say about what certain products do to your hormones or your body. I’m speaking out of turn as it relates to that type of stuff. But in the grand scheme of things, I’m asking this question. If you’re a healthy individual, is makeup going to be the thing that takes you down?
Claire: Also true. Right.
Joy: In the end, I think your post was mainly being – and also let’s not fall to these beauty standards that we’re getting pulled into. Even I’ll watch something where I’ll be like, should I be wearing more foundation? No. Because I hate foundation.
Claire: I mean, let’s rewind 6-7 years to “strong is the new beautiful” when everyone was like, “This is so empowering.” It’s like, no, this just sets up a different standard that we still have to meet.
Joy: Yeah, totally.
Claire: Let’s just say no more standards. I do kind of love that filter though. That’s the filter where I’m like, “my lips.”
Joy: It’s a great filter.
Claire: If you want to just imagine what your life would be if you were a celebrity and the work you would have.
Joy: Totally. I’m like, oh, this is the face that they would give me. Yeah, for sure.
Claire: Totally.
Joy: So funny.
Claire: This is the face that I would have if I was in, like, the Miss Congeniality airplane hangar of transformation. I would walk out with that face.
Joy: Oh, that’s such a good movie. I love it. That’s really good.
Claire: That’s what I always think of when someone’s like, “I want a makeover.”
Joy: I do love a makeover scene though in movies. Let’s do a couple really quick. I will rank here. Number one makeover scene is She’s Out of Control. I know you never saw that movie. I want to say that was early 80’s with Tony Danza. Can’t remember the main character girl, but it’s all about this “nerdy girl,” who is the big nerd in the family and Tony Danza is the dad. All of the sudden, the girl he’s dating gets her a makeover, and she turns into this like… I don’t know, they insinuate that she’s – and I’m using a word that’s not great – but that she’s slutty. They insinuate that that’s what she’s turned into. Obviously, this was the 80’s and it was a different time. She looks great. But I like the makeover scene because they’re taking off her braces and doing her nails. They do all these closeup shots where you can’t see the end result. They do that on Great British Bake Off too by the way. It’s like, “We’ll do some real closeup shots so you don’t see the end result, but we want to really impress you with the end result.” Makeover, that scene was great. Clueless would be number two when they makeover Tai. And then the third makeover would be Miss Congeniality. I freaking love those makeovers.
Claire: I feel like Miss Congeniality is number one for me. Because if I’m going to have a makeover at that scale, it needs to be project managed by Michael Caine.
Joy: Oh yeah. Aw man, that’s a very good point. Mmhmm. Yeah. It’s so good. And also so wrong.
Claire: I would accept Nathan Lane also.
Joy: Yes, Nathan Lane. If you think about it, makeovers are fine. We’re not trying to say there’s something wrong with you before.
Claire: No.
Joy: And we’re not calling it a “glow up.” And we’re not calling it “revenge body” by Khloe Kardashian because that was a horrible show.
Claire: [laughing] Oh my goodness.
Joy: Oh, speaking of makeover. My hands. I do still have these freaking press-on nails that won’t come off.
Claire: Oh my gosh.
Joy: I just held them up to the camera. I did lose one. It’s not ruining your nails if you take them off properly. But one just popped off because I was pulling on some leggings and I pulled so hard.
Claire: [laughing]
Joy: They’re tight. My leggings are tight.
Claire: Relatable.
Joy: But I’ve had these on for about a week. I’m at the point where I’m not trying to keep them on because I just really want them to pop off a little bit. But I’ve got to put some acetone on these and take them off. But everyone’s like, “Oh, does it ruin your nails?” I’m like, look. Are press-on nails good for your nails? No. Of course they’re not great for you. Is putting actual glue – probably guerrilla glue – on your nails for a week and not letting your nail bed breathe good for your nails? No. So I’m not going to be using these every day or every week. But this for me is fun. Back to our original thing. I find this fun. I’ll take them off. It’s not a big deal, and I don’t feel like they’re going to ruin your nails. But they’re great, but they last for a long time. Olive & June press-ons, FYI.
Claire: That’s so funny.
Joy: I have a question that Scott asked really quick.
Claire: Oh. What’s that?
Joy: It’s about the sleepytime bear, and I want to know if your dad knows the answer to this. Why is the chair no longer in the picture? Because the old schools, he’s sleeping on a chair. They have since updated the sleepytime bear to not have a chair.
Claire: What do you mean? I’m Googling right now. Sleepytime. Images.
Joy: One of the more recent photos on the tea box, he didn’t have the chair. He wasn’t sleeping in a chair.
Claire: Okay. Well I think what you’re thinking about is there are some additional sleepytime spinoffs. Like there’s a sleepytime extra where he’s sleeping on the floor.
Joy: He passed out?
Claire: Yeah, he couldn’t make it to the chair.
Joy: Okay. There’s varieties of sleepytime.
Claire: I have sleepytime upstairs, and I’m pretty sure he’s in the chair. Or there’s like sleepytime lavender where he’s in a bed it looks like. Maybe it’s a varietal of sleepytime.
Joy: That’s makes sense. That makes sense.
Claire: Because in the original sleepytime, he’s definitely still on the chair.
Joy: Okay. Whew.
Claire: Also, here’s a fun fact. I recently found out from John Hay that he has started to wear a night cap to bed because he’s bald and my stepmom likes to keep the house really cold at night. I’m very much considering trying to get him a sleepytime bear nightshirt so that he could just –
Joy: He is the sleepytime bear.
Claire: Into being the actual sleepytime bear.
Joy: Will you just review with everybody in case they don’t know that your dad invented toaster strudels?
Claire: Yeah. I’m always nervous to talk about this.
Joy: Own it.
Claire: I know, own it. My dad is one of the original founders of Celestial Seasonings, and his first wife painted the sleepytime bear.
Joy: Yeah. Which is such a great fun fact.
Claire: Such a fun fact. So if you don’t know and now you know, yeah, my dad started Celestial Seasonings.
Joy: And you posted tea on our stories recently. We hope that you still get free tea. Do you get free tea?
Claire: My dad gets free tea.
Joy: He can just walk in?
Claire: He literally walks in. Let me just debunk a few things. I am not an heiress. My dad has been divorced too many times for me to be an heiress. Sad, but true.
Joy: Okay. You’re not rolling in the dough.
Claire: I’m not rolling in the dough. One time I said something about it at work, and someone was like, “Not to be insensitive, but why are you at a work?” I was like, “Good question, good question.” My dad started the company, but he only owned it until the early 80’s. He no longer owned it by the time I was born. But as part of whatever the terms that were made 35 years ago when he divested was that he would get free tea for life. So he does. You go to my dad’s garage, and there’s just tea. You walk in and grab –
Joy: I remember your wedding, you had little boxes of tea.
Claire: Yeah, That was our wedding favor, a little box of tea with a little sticker on it that said, “You are my cup of tea.”
Joy: Oh, that’s so great. Happy anniversary by the way.
Claire: Oh yeah, our eight-year anniversary is this week. It is the bronze and ceramic anniversary, in case you’re wondering.
Joy: I never pay attention to that.
Claire: I just think they’re fun. It’s a fun way to decide what to get your –
Joy: Sure.
Claire: I always forget to get Brandon an anniversary present because our anniversary is the week after Christmas, so I’m always gifted out by then.
Joy: I have two quick updates. Thank you to everybody for writing in about the grudges. It was an overwhelming response of saying something I actually give advice to other people, which I find hilarious because I just don’t take my own advice, is to write a letter to people that I’m holding a grudge against. Write all your feelings out. Don’t send it to them. Just send it to yourself. Which I have done before and it’s quite effective. So thank you, everybody, for giving that advice because it’s great advice. And the second piece was thank you to everyone who wrote in and suggested Duo Lingo for learning Spanish. I started that app and it’s so cute. It is so cute, and I love it. Highly recommend it if you’re trying to learn a language. Duo Lingo. It is adorable. They have these cute little lessons. And then when you get it right, the characters dance.
Claire: That’s really all Joy needs is affirming little dance.
Joy: It’s so great, so thank you guys for submitting that. And my facial was great. I got a facial last week.
Claire: Oh my gosh. If you’re in the Denver-Boulder area, resurfacing facial from Alchemy.
Joy: Alchemy. They have multiple locations. Go. Book. Book online.
Claire: Worth it.
Joy: Worth it.
Claire: Did you get the face oil?
Joy: I didn’t. They didn’t upsell me because I got an appointment right at the end of the day, so I think they were trying to rush to close and they didn’t want to push it, Next time.
Claire: You didn’t want to be like, “Um, my friend said that you have this oil…”
Joy: Yeah. But it was awesome, and you were not kidding about the little vacuum where they suck everything off your face. It’s so great. It’s so great. I’m going to do that. It’s my New Year’s resolution. Duo Lingo, getting facials. I think we’re off to a great start.
Claire: Those are fantastic resolutions.
Joy: Alright, that’s all I have.
Claire: That’s all we have. We’re keeping it a little bit short today because we’re recording in the middle of a workday. Sorry. And I always like to call out when I do this because I think that people think that because we’ve done this so long that we have this perfect system. We really don’t. We just make it fit whenever it can fit.
Joy: Miraculously. I still don’t know how miraculously we do it.
Claire: It’s just a non-negotiable.
Joy: Right. It’s a standing appointment, but not standing appointment.
Claire: It’s a standing appointment –
Joy: But not a standing appointment at the same time every week.
Claire: Right. It’s a standing appointment once every seven days in some capacity. Thanks for still being here. We are going to still be here, and we hope you’re having a great start to 2022. Or at least just a neutral start. We’ll take neutral.
Joy: We’ll take neutral and just drink some tea.
Claire: Drink some tea, take some CBD.
Joy: Drink some water. I also have this –
Claire: Oh.
Joy: 40 ouncer because I need a straw and I don’t want to fill it up a lot and I need to get ready for my bone marrow donation, so I have to start drinking a lot of water just to get into that habit. I know I’m holding it up and on a podcast you can’t see it, but it’s a 40-ounce huge thermos thing with a straw.
Claire: It looks like a hipster version of a truck stop water cup. Like a giant Big Gulp with a handle.
Joy: Got it at Target. Love it.
Claire: Love it. Alright guys, we’ll talk to you next week. Don’t forget to support our sponsor Ned, helloned.com, discount code JOY. Talk to you next week. Bye.
Joy: Bye, guys.