Joy’s book review on Jessica Simpson’s new memoir, Open Book. Deep dive in to the 90’s. Surviving a tough week. Listener Q&A.
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Joy’s book review on Jessica Simpson’s new memoir, Open Book. Deep dive in to the 90’s. Surviving a tough week. Listener Q&A.
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We love our moms! Celebrating moms, quarantine coping, and listener Q&A
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Britney burned down her gym, Cadet service dog training, thoughts about going back to the office, PTO days, and a listener email!
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There’s only so much positivity Joy can handle before exhaustion hits. Cadet updates, CCI dog training, Claire’s quarantine life, and some great philosophical questions.
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Welcome back Joy’s longtime friend and fellow therapist Lisa Mareb, LCSW! We are joined by two podcast listeners on Zoom for a discussion around food, eating disorders, and how to manage all of the feelings during this pandemic.
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