Welcome to the 2021 Joy & Claire Community Gift Guide!
Each of these products, services, and businesses below have a connection to our community. If you would like your product or business to be added to this page, please email us at thisisjoyandclaire@gmail.com. Happy shopping!
(PS – while we are super excited to feature all of these small businesses, we have not personally tried or used any of these products/services and do not make any guarantees as to quality or availability.)
And don’t forget, you can also support *this* small. business (aka our podcast!) by checking out our brand partners and using our discount codes!
Get 20% off NED CBD Products (no code needed if you click this link)
Get 30% off your first order at Evolve Foods (no code needed if you click this link)
Get 15% off your Double Under Wonder custom jump rope with code JOY

Hormone Testing and Coaching with Tina from Carrots N Cake